Tuesday, August 28, 2007

World war

The economy is growing and companies are in search of new employees who can help to realize this growth. The thickness of the weekly Jobat and Vacature combined with the cry for help by several branches of industry make it clear: the ‘war for talent’ rages fiercely.

It’s clear that traditional formulas no longer function now that the ‘war for talent’ is starting to turn into a ‘world war’.

Read all about it in this week’s column.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Adland's Hall of Shame

Zorra, the forum that keeps a critical view on role patterns in advertising, has recently opened an exhibition on Second Life. In ‘Gender& Advertising’, one can see good and bad examples of the last 10 years. Earlier this month, Campaign, published an article titled ‘Adland’s Hall of Shame’. Is the advertising sector adapting itself to our times?

Read more about it in this week's column.

After Levi's

Two weeks ago, we wrote about the gay and hetero advertising of Levi's.

Now, I show you a new ad for the holebi federation made by VVL BBDO.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

King and Princess

Last week the 30th birthday of the death of Elvis Presley was celebrated and next week, it will be 10 years ago that Princess Diana unfortunately deceased in a car accident in Paris. Both personalities have only a few things in common, however they are both strong archetypes. Brands also strive to act upon one archetype, especially niche brands. But, is this still a valid strategy in times where the consumer has multiple personalities?
Read all about it in this weeks' column.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Pink pants

Diversity is part of our society, but do brands already act upon it? Check out Levi's, who has made 2 versions of their latest 501 commercial, one with a homo and one with a heterosexual ending.

See the commercials below and read all about it in this week's column.

Heterosexual version

Gay version

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Vacation is a time to relax and let go of business as usual. But it is also a time where you can take some time to get inspired. During my summer holidays, I've read some very interesting literature from Mario Vargas Llosa, Koen Peeters and Dimitri Verhulst. Read my thoughts on these 3 books in this week's column.