Sunday, November 19, 2006

Research: Negative emotions work

Negative emotions do work. Research, conducted by Ameritest, shows that negative emotions, when properly used, can be a powerful driver of commercial performance.

The most engaging ads have a strong correlation with negative emotions. The ads were rated to be interesting, involving and unique. Such a correlation was not found for ads with positive emotions.

How to properly use negative emotions?
Negative emotions play an essential role in creating drama in an ad. The key to successful advertising is introducing the brand at the boundary between the negative and the positive emotion states, when emotions turn. This way the brand gets credit in consumers' minds for the change in emotions. Just like in a good old fairy tale.

I wonder whether negative emotions are as impactful for political candidates when frontally attacking their opponents, like we witnessed recently in The Netherlands, in France and in the United States.

Source: Admap

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