Tuesday, November 07, 2006

De Kijk van Van Dyck: Seducing children

'De Kijk van Van Dyck' is my weekly column in the Flemish newspaper: De Standaard.

Banking and insurance companies can "seduce their consumers, but they may not mislead them". Meanwhile, there are financial institutions that go after children to get hold on their parents. Seducing or misleading?

The advertising world should take up its responsability, before other do it for them. Read all about in this week's column.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see my children are taking advertising very literally. When they see an action man flying through the air in an ad, they think he can 'really fly'.
However, after buying the action man, it is a huge disappointment for them when they find out they have to 'help him fly'.
Advertisers should be well aware of this, I think.